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Couverture de America the Great Satan

America the Great Satan

De : Unpa T. Riotic
Lu par : Lawrence D. Yaklin
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    With professing Christians in a huge state of apathy and the body of Christ on the decline, all it takes for a political leader to gain the confidence and allegiance of the masses is mere words.

    Christians have forgotten that they were not only called to love, forgive, and be peacemakers, but to judge, rebuke, and admonish as well. They have forgotten that leaders are to be rebuked publicly. They have forgotten that those who claim to be Christians but live in unrepentant sin are to be excommunicated from the body of Christ.

    Today, Christians in the United States of America are asleep, and it's time for them to wake up!

    While Jesus Christ taught his followers to love their enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute you, various presidents, politicians, and even religious talking heads command their constituents and listeners to kill their enemies, do evil to them that hate you, and bomb them that persecute you.

    The question is, who will you follow: the religious right or the right religion, the constitution or the word of God, the POTUS or Jesus Christ?

    ©2015 Unpa T. Riotic (P)2015 Fanatic Publishing, LLC

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