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  • America Betrayed

  • How a Christian Monk Created America & Why the Left Is Determined to Destroy Her
  • De : David Horowitz
  • Lu par : Bob Souer
  • Durée : 3 h et 9 min

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America Betrayed

De : David Horowitz
Lu par : Bob Souer
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    America is now engulfed in a crisis that goes to the very foundations of its democracy. To destroy Americans’ pride in their heritage and undermine their will to defend it, the attacks on America’s heritage begin with malicious slanders intended to turn the American dream of equality and freedom into a “white supremacist” nightmare. We are told America, from its inception, has been a “racist” nation that treats minorities as less than human. We are told America deserves to be destroyed. This destructive lie is now the official doctrine of the Biden White House, the “woke” Pentagon, the Democratic Senate, and the curricula of American schools.

    America Betrayed restores the true history of America’s achievements and its role as a beacon of freedom. Framed by an account of Martin Luther’s history and ideas, David Horowitz demonstrates that racial progress in America originates not from Leftist policy but from its founding ideals. America Betrayed is a history and a manifesto focused on the current war to save our country and restore the dignity and freedom of the individual.

    ©2024 David Horowitz (P)2024 Skyhorse Audio

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