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Couverture de Amazon FBA 2020: From Complete Beginner to Expert

Amazon FBA 2020: From Complete Beginner to Expert

De : Jim Tolisso
Lu par : Theodore Maclean
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    Amazon. It is the largest online retailer in the USA, UK, and much of Europe. A household name. But what you might not know is that when you purchase something from Amazon, there is a very good chance that you are buying from a third-party seller using a service called Amazon FBA.

    FBA stands for fulfillment by Amazon. What it means is that Amazon looks after all of the seller’s stock. When a customer places an order, it bypasses the seller altogether and goes straight to the FBA warehouse. Amazon then picks out the order and delivers it to the customer.

    Amazon FBA also handles most of the customer service. They process all customer returns and only the most specific queries get forwarded on to the seller. 

    To the customer, there is almost no difference between purchasing from Amazon directly and from a person selling their items on Amazon through Amazon FBA. They get the same delivery options, the same returns policy, and the same customer service team.

    An Amazon FBA business is a great intermediary between a bedroom eBay business, and a full-time brand with a large staff. As a seller, you don’t have to look after the stock and it takes the same amount of work to sell 10,000 items as it does to sell 10. But to the customer, they get a quality of service that is on par with the biggest brands in the word.

    As a seller, you can run a one-person business that sells thousands of items each month, all remotely from anywhere in the world. In fact, I am currently in South America with Amazon FBA businesses in Europe, Asia, and North America. 

    You acquire the stock and get it delivered to Amazon FBA.

    ©2020 Jim Tolisso (P)2020 Jim Tolisso

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