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Couverture de Amazing Grayson

Amazing Grayson

De : Jerry Broadway
Lu par : Jerry Broadway
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    Jerry Broadway thought his life had seen every hill, curve, and roadblock possible. Then his third child was born with two rare brain disorders, and everything came crashing down. Join this determined family as they attempt to rise from the ashes in this real, raw, and sometimes hilarious look at life with a special needs child. Along the way, there's love, cancer, infidelity, a career in show business, laughter, tears, and miracles. Amazing Grayson is a master class in the unconditional love of a mom and dad who refuse to give up on their son when almost every expert they encounter gives them a list of reasons why they should. Always upbeat, even when dealing with the heaviest of subjects, Amazing Grayson will inspire you, motivate you, and prove that believing in someone and pushing them to their full potential can change the world. Grayson's story is a must-listen for parents of special needs children, or anyone who might come in contact with those children, as well as any listener who loves to get lost in a great story told well!

    ©2020 Jerry Broadway (P)2022 Jerry Broadway

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