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Couverture de Amanita Muscaria Microdosing

Amanita Muscaria Microdosing

De : Bil Harret, Anastasia V. Sasha
Lu par : Raven Ashborne
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    Are you interested in learning about Amanita muscaria, but you can't seem to find reliable information?

    Is the best information you have found until now inconsistent or even contradictive?

    Do you want to learn how to forage your own Amanita muscaria mushrooms?

    Amanita muscaria mushroom has been used therapeutically in different parts of the world for hundreds of years. Some deem it toxic, while others see it as God's gift. Mostly known for its hallucinogenic properties and emblematic shape, this sacred mushroom can provide you with a number of health benefits. But the truth is, most people find it challenging to benefit from fly agaric safely and efficiently with so much misinformation out there.

    Amanita Muscaria Microdosing is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with all the knowledge need to understand, identify, preserve, store, prepare, and safely consume fly agaric. Say good-bye to confusion and misinformation!

    You will discover:

    • Fly agaric's nature and all the potential health benefits that you stand to gain when microdosing with amanita muscaria.
    • How to prepare it, forms of consumption, and recipes.
    • What to do to zero in on your optimal dose.
    • Comparison to microdosing psilocybin mushrooms.
    • Toxicology, possible adverse effects, and other risks.
    • Three essential precaution tips.
    • Field guide to avoid deadly look-alikes and other risk factors.
    • A bonus, and more!

    If you are ready to explore its potential benefits, download your copy today. I'm going to take you by the hand and explain everything you need to take you from the basics to fly-agaric proficiency!

    ©2022 Bil Harret & Anastasia V. Sasha (P)2022 Bil Harret & Anastasia V. Sasha

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