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Amanda's Room

De : Chuck Miceli
Lu par : Russell Jonas
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There is a storm coming, and her name is Amanda!

Death came for Amanda Reynolds, but could not pry her from her home. For two decades, the abandoned mansion decayed, but not Amanda's room. When Katie Jarvis and her teammates enter it, they think they have found a paradise on earth. Under the guidance of world-renowned physicist, Bertrand Myers, the team researches the room's perfect environment, only to learn that it defies any natural explanation.

When Katie discovers strange anomalies in the weather for miles around, the team delves into the house's history, only to have each of them targeted for disaster. Katie is convinced that Amanda's spirit still inhabits the room and is manipulating the weather in a desperate attempt to communicate. But Katie can't decipher what Amanda is trying to say or why. Bert remains skeptical and cautions that if Amanda possessed that kind of power, no one on earth would be safe. When a monstrous late-season hurricane traps Bert and thousands of others on Cape Cod, Katie realizes that only she can stop Amanda before it's too late. What she does not realize, is that something is still out to stop her.

©2012 Chuck Miceli (P)2014 Chuck Miceli
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