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Couverture de Amanda Wakes Up

Amanda Wakes Up

De : Alisyn Camerota
Lu par : Lu Hanessian, Alisyn Camerota
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    “Amanda Gallo is my kind of girl: funny, self-aware, and unable to resist a makeover.... I loved this novel.” (Lauren Weisberger, author of The Devil Wears Prada and When Life Gives You Lululemons)

    “Entertaining.” (People

    When Amanda Gallo, fresh from the backwater of local TV, lands the anchor job of her dreams at FAIR News, she thinks she’s finally made it: a six-figure salary, wardrobe allowance, plenty of on-air face time, and a chance to realize her dreams, not to mention buy herself lunch. Instead, she finds her journalistic ideals shredded as she struggles to keep up with the issues in a ratings-crazed madhouse: battling for hair and makeup time; coping with her sexist (but scathingly handsome) coanchor, Rob; mixing up the headlines with pajama modeling on the street, and showing Benji Diggs, her media maestro boss, that she's got what it takes. 

    As the news heats up in a hotly contested election season and a wild-card candidate, former Hollywood actor Victor Fluke, appears on the scene, Amanda's pressure-cooker job gets hotter while her personal life unravels. Walking a knife's edge between ambition and survival, and about to break the biggest story of her career, Amanda must decide what she's willing to give up to get ahead - and what she needs to hold on to to save herself. 

    ©2017 Alisyn Camerota (P)2017 Penguin Audio


    "Amanda Wakes Up uses a breezy story to provide an insider’s guide to a closed world.” (The New York Times)

    “When Amanda Gallo signs on for the job of her dreams at FAIR news, she expects a life-changing career move. What she finds is chaos, vipers, and relentless competition. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry.” (Glamour)

    “A hilarious, eye-opening glimpse into the TV-news trenches, from one who’s had to navigate them backwards and in heels.” (Samantha Bee, host of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and author of I Know I Am, but What Are You?)

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