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Couverture de Alyce in Wonder's Land

Alyce in Wonder's Land

De : Riano D. McFarland
Lu par : AC Oliver
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    When Andrew Ingram walks his longtime friend and confidant Jeanie home after a celebratory dinner, he has no idea that his life is about to change in unimaginable ways. After having created an innovative new automotive gaming platform, he was riding high on the wings of success when a deadly explosion ripped not only his best friend but also his eyesight away from him.

    Fortunately, Jeanie's rescue dog, Wonder, is there to help Andrew navigate the rough edges and the chain of storms that are invariably headed in his direction. Her flawless intuition and courageous nature are like a beacon in a never-ending sea of darkness, guiding Andrew back to not only a normal life but also to an extraordinary one.

    While it is said that every cloud has a silver lining, they are also portents of approaching storms, and in Andrew's case, the storm facing him has been brewing for nearly two centuries.

    When an incredibly alluring woman named Alyce Babia appears in his life, the romantic entanglement that quickly develops between them may be precisely what Andrew is in need of. On the other hand, Wonder simply wasn't having it! Although people often believe that what they do not know and cannot see won't hurt them, Wonder is of a vastly different opinion. Especially since she can see the things that Andrew cannot, and what she sees is terrifying!

    ©2024 Riano D. McFarland (P)2024 Riano D. McFarland
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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