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  • Always in Fashion: From Clerk to CEO

  • Lessons for Success in Business and in Life
  • De : Mark Weber
  • Lu par : Mark Weber
  • Durée : 6 h et 59 min

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Always in Fashion: From Clerk to CEO

De : Mark Weber
Lu par : Mark Weber
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    An exclusive guided tour of the fashion industry - from the inside up.

    Mark Weber is the ultimate fashion insider. Starting his career as a clerk in a clothing store, he worked his way up to the "big time" in New York City, becoming CEO of Phillips-VanHeusen (PVH)/Calvin Klein and then CEO of LVMH Inc. (USA) (Louis Vuitton/Moet Hennessy) and chairman and CEO of Donna Karan International.

    In Always in Fashion, Weber walks us through his fascinating career, providing an inspirational and instructional story of his rise to the top, his career disappointments, and his incredible journey back to the top of the fashion industry. Weber shares his insights and thoughts on how to:

    • Begin a future
    • Select a career path
    • Prepare for interviews
    • Stand out from your coworkers
    • Find ways to make an impression on management
    • Determine your best skills and follow that course
    • Dress for success - and how not to
    • Never give up

    In addition to his keen business insights, Mark Weber reveals a wealth of insights and mind-opening anecdotes from inside fashion, but which apply to any consumer product industry. He talks about his career-changing interactions with boards of directors and famous designers, and he illustrates mistakes, disappointments, key insights, and most importantly, how he picked himself up when things were down and successfully repositioned himself to build an even brighter career.

    Part memoir, part career guide - and a gripping listen every step of the way - Always in Fashion is a must-hear for anyone with a passion, a talent, and a dream. 

    ©2015 Mark Weber (P)2015 McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio

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