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  • Alpha Mind Mastery

  • Reprogram Your Mind with Alpha Brainwaves, 8D Sound Immersion, & Brainwave Entrainment
  • De : Sommer Leigh
  • Lu par : Sommer Leigh
  • Durée : 2 h et 49 min

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Alpha Mind Mastery

De : Sommer Leigh
Lu par : Sommer Leigh
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    Alpha Mind Mastery invites you on an illuminating journey through the transformative power of the alpha state. This audio fusion of ancient wisdom and modern 8D technology plunges you into the depths of your consciousness. Experience relaxation, heightened awareness, and the capacity to manifest through:

    1. The 369 alpha deep meditative journey.
    2. Immersive nine hertz alpha meditation.
    3. Experimental transcendent 11 hertz alpha meditation.
    4. Bonus: alpha primordial sound meditation chant.


    • Harnesses brainwave entrainment for easy access to the alpha state.
    • Delve into ancient sounds for a profound self-discovery journey.
    • Crafted for daytime practice to invigorate the mind.
    • For an intensified experience, use blackout eye masks and high-quality headphones.
    • Explore a range of meditative experiences to find what resonates most.

    As you delve into this audiobook, you'll navigate realms of tranquility, introspection, and profound insights, tapping into the potential of the alpha state—a bridge between conscious and subconscious. Alpha Mind Mastery not only guides you to a peaceful mind, but also equips you to reshape your consciousness, break free from limiting beliefs, and embrace a world of endless possibilities. Unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and the boundless potential within with Alpha Mind Mastery.

    ©2023 Sound Science Soul (P)2023 Sound Science Soul

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