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Couverture de Alpha Dragon's Ferret

Alpha Dragon's Ferret

De : Hawke Oakley
Lu par : Matt Haynes
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    Will a new twist in the Dragonfate Games spark love—or ruin two brothers chances forever?

    Aurum has a problem. A huge, dragon-sized one—his identical twin brother, Saffron. Before the Dragonfate Games, they were thick as thieves. Now their arguments over fated mates are intensifying. While Saffron swoons over romance, Aurums sick of it. He's losing his brother, and he'll do anything to stop it... even if it means sabotaging their shared season of the Dragonfate Games.

    Mylo has a problem. Well, maybe a few. One: he's painfully shy. Two: he's chubby. Three: his parents forcibly entered him into a popular TV dating show. Four: he's the only omega who can tell Aurum and Saffron apart. Five: that really pisses off Aurum, and he's cute when he's mad...

    When Aurum confronts the plump little weasel about his meddling, he loses his cool... and his mind. Because Mylo does weird, magical things to him—and Aurums not sure how long he can resist.

    Alpha Dragons Ferret is a fun, sweet mpreg novel featuring a headstrong alpha dragon, a timid omega ferret, and twin shenanigans. Listening to the series in order is recommended. No cheating, and fluffy HEA guaranteed!

    ©2024 Hawke Oakley (P)2024 Hawke Oakley

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