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Couverture de Along the Shore

Along the Shore

De : Rochelle Alers
Lu par : Patricia R. Floyd
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    Set on a charming North Carolina island, the latest novel in national bestselling author Rochelle Alers' unforgettable, heartfelt Book Club series tells of one woman whose past comes calling—even as a new beginning beckons. Perfect for fans of warm, sexy, community-oriented fiction featuring diverse, multicultural characters in the vein of Tracey Livesay, Sherryl Woods and Brenda Jackson.

    Cherie Renee Thompson is finally ready to dive into change. After two summers vacationing on Coates Island, she's now a permanent resident, studying to be a teacher, and has formed invaluable friendships with two remarkable women, Kayana and Leah. Their summer book club, which meets weekly at the Seaside Café, has taught Cherie to seize the day. And as the ex-mistress of a powerful politician consistently unable to commit, Cherie is determined not to waste any more time—or try romance again...

    When Cherie meets new sheriff and ex-army veteran Reese Matthews, there's an immediate, undeniable spark between them. For his part, Reese has survived ongoing loss and believes that Cherie is as open and uncomplicated as she appears—until her former flame returns. Free of his responsibilities, he's offering Cherie the luxurious life he always promised...

    Now, in a summer of glowing potential, tranquil days, and book club meetings filled with insight and caring, Cherie must weigh past dreams against new chances, search her heart for what's real—and what will fulfill her most.

    ©2022 Rochelle Alers (P)2022 Recorded Books
    • Série : Book Club, Volume 3
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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