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Couverture de Allure


De : Iesha Bree
Lu par : Mari, Dylan Ford
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    allure /əˈlo͝or/: the power to entice or attract through personal charm

    In the world of creativity, Lore Reed shines as a beacon of boundless imagination, her sculptures and paintings capturing the essence of emotion and beauty. Raised in a household where freedom and exploration reigned supreme, Lore’s carefree spirit knows no bounds. Yet beneath her artistic façade lies a longing for stability and family. With a daughter to nurture and a heart ready to embrace love’s allure, Lore sets out on a journey of discovery that promises to redefine her life forever.

    Across town, Niko Lockwood, a legend on the football field, faces a crossroads as retirement looms and a new career beckons. Amidst the roar of the crowd and the glare of the spotlight, Niko craves the quiet joys of home and family, a longing that propels him toward the doors of Arranged Hearts. Niko is ready to embark on a journey of love and devotion, where the allure of the heart reigns supreme.

    As they prepare to step into forever, the unknown will cause them to question whether or not they’re making the right decision. Yet beneath the surface lies a tantalizing hint of familiarity, a connection that defies explanation and ignites a spark of intrigue. But as secrets unfold and passions ignite, will the arranged hearts commit to forever, or will I do turn into I don’t?

    ©2024 Iesha Bree (P)2024 Dreamscape

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