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Couverture de All the Way Home

All the Way Home

De : Ann Tatlock
Lu par : Christina Moore
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    Award-winning author of A Room of My Own and A Place Called Morning, Ann Tatlock delivers a soul-searching inspirational story of faith and friendship.

    Augie Schuler, a red-headed and freckled Irish girl, is living through a dim and depressing childhood. She is grateful for her one true friendship with Sunny Yamagata and Sunny's Japanese family. Through this gift from God, Augie is able to experience glimpses of happiness. But then on December 7, 1941, the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor. Suddenly the girls are torn apart, and the world around them changes. Many years go by, until one day they are reunited. How can their friendship ever be the same when so much time has passed?

    From the voice of 10-year-old Augie come innocence and faith. From the voice of an adult Augie come understanding and survival. Tatlock explores difficult subjects with sensitivity and tenderness, while Christina Moore's compassionate narration captures the love and hope of two courageous women.

    ©2002 Ann Tatlock (P)2003 Recorded Books, LLC


    "Tatlock adeptly traces the girls' journey of faith with a light and sometimes humorous touch. She does an excellent job juxtaposing the horrors of Americans in Japanese hands and Japanese-Americans in the hands of their countrymen. Tatlock employs flashbacks efficiently, and her rich descriptions and characterizations are unusually fresh and inventive. Other Christian novelists would do well to emulate this quality contribution." (Publishers Weekly)

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