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Couverture de All the Right Notes

All the Right Notes

De : Dominic Lim
Lu par : Aaron J Albano
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    In this hilarious and joyous rom com, sparks fly when a piano genius and a Hollywood heartthrob are thrown together for a charity performance of solos, heartfelt duets, and a big, showstopping finale.

    Quito Cruz might be a genius piano player and composer in New York City now but it doesn’t mean that he’s any closer to his Broadway dream. Although Quito knows what the problem is. Or rather who. Because ever since that night in college—with pretty-boy jock Emmett Aoki—his inspiration has been completely MIA . . .

    Now Quito’s dad wants him to put on a charity performance in his hometown. And there’s one hella big string attached: convince Emmett—now one of Hollywood’s hottest celebrities—to perform.

    It’s all shaping up to be the biggest musical fiasco of Quito’s life. Especially when Emmett agrees to attend, and Quito realizes that undeniable vibe between them is stronger than ever. Because there’s nothing simple about falling for a movie star . . . even when he’s pitch-perfect.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Dominic Lim (P)2023 Forever
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "A lyrical, romantic debut with tender, moving notes about Filipino American families and queer love stories. Perfect for fans of Casey McQuiston and Alexis Hall, this is a must-have for library shelves. With a relatable queer protagonist, this uplifting book portrays the power of owning one’s truth. Heartfelt, poignant writing and iconic supporting characters boost Quito’s story. The friends-to-lovers trope is wonderfully accomplished, full of sweet yearning and perfect harmony."—Library Journal (starred review)

    "Fun and effervescent.. There’s a lot of promise in Lim’s debut...with its dual-timeline storytelling, charming cast, and love of show tunes."—Kirkus

    "Light and charming, with a hint of snark, this is a promising start for Lim."—Publishers Weekly

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