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Couverture de All the Broken People

All the Broken People

De : Leah Konen
Lu par : Jesse Vilinsky
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    A woman in search of a fresh start is about to get more than she bargained for in this twisty and addictive domestic thriller for fans of The Couple Next Door.

    Fleeing Brooklyn with little more than a suitcase and her trusty dog, Lucy King heads to rustic Woodstock, New York, eager to lose herself in a quiet life where her past can never find her. But when she meets Vera and John, the alluring couple next door, their friendship proves impossible to resist. 

    Just as Lucy starts to think the worst is behind her, the couple delivers a staggering bombshell: they, too, need to escape their troubles - and the only way they can begin their new life is if Lucy helps them fake John's death. 

    Afraid to lose her newfound support system, Lucy reluctantly conspires with them to stage an "accidental" death on a hike nearby. It's just one little lie to the police, after all, and she knows a thing or two about the importance of fresh starts. 

    But what begins as an elaborate ruse turns all too real when John turns up dead in the woods the morning after their hike. Now, Lucy must figure out who she can trust and who's pulling the strings of her tenuous new life...before she takes the fall for murder. 

    ©2020 Leah Konen (P)2020 Penguin Audio


    "This fast-paced but nuanced thrill ride grabbed me on the first page and didn't let go. With spare, haunting prose, a tense and richly wrought setting, intricate plotting, and twists that would make Hitchcock himself gasp, Broken People is a masterful debut. Thriller fans, meet your new favorite author." (Andrea Bartz, author of The Lost Night)

     A Charlotte Observer Summer Reading pick 

    "A swift, compelling thriller with unexpected swoops and swerves." (Kirkus Reviews) 

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