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  • All of This Is for You

  • A Little Book of Kindness
  • De : Ruby Jones
  • Lu par : Cindy Kay
  • Durée : 10 min

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All of This Is for You

De : Ruby Jones
Lu par : Cindy Kay
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    A beautiful and uplifting collection of heartfelt and soothing messages that provide compassion and connection for everyone feeling overwhelmed in their lives.

    All of This is for You is balm for anyone feeling lost and detached from today’s confusing, hectic world. In her heartfelt notes,  Ruby Jones reminds us that even when times are tough, it remains important to be kind and gentle with ourselves and those around us.

    Jones received worldwide recognition after she posted an illustration of two women—one of them a Muslim wearing a hijab—embracing after the 2019 Christchurch terrorist attacks. The image was accompanied by an extraordinary message of empathy and understanding: "This is your home and you should have been safe here." 

    A beacon of hope and kindness, All of This is for You is for every one of us, because no matter the individual issue—whether it’s self-image, identity, depression, grief, or anxiety—we all struggle with challenges. Jones's soothing insights are a breath of fresh air during tough times, and a reminder of humanity's inherent and enduring goodness.

    ©2020 Ruby Jones (P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers

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