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All Things New

De : Cheryl Braden
Lu par : Cheryl Braden
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"“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” -Isaiah 43:18-19

I invite you to a new thing. A thing that is right in front of all of us. It’s a thing that God knew we would all be destined to experience. In fact, it’s more than just a new thing. It’s an invitation to a new life. A life where past hurts are healed, tragedies are triumphed over and one’s soul is set free.

You may be at a place in your life where you’ve become extremely disappointed. Maybe your life has brought you to a place of great frustration, anger, depression or even hopelessness. Maybe you’re drowning in the consequences and realities of past hurts. Maybe your future looks more like a continuation of your painful past. Maybe your life struggles keep revealing issues of unforgiveness.

Life is complicated. It’s messy. Our journeys are often weary and burdensome. Desperately wanting things to be different, to feel different and wanting to live different, yet we find ourselves dwelling in the land of former things—and unforgiveness seems to be the biggest giant in the land. If this is you, then I invite you to find a quiet spot and listen to All Things New.

I invite you to explore what forgiveness is, the power of forgiveness and the idea of forgiving oneself. What does the Bible actually say about all of these? Allow the Lord to do a new thing in your life—where you can walk in freedom and in the power of forgiveness.

©2022 Cheryl Braden (P)2023 Cheryl Braden
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