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Couverture de All Our Tomorrows: Encore Edition

All Our Tomorrows: Encore Edition

De : Irene Hannon
Lu par : Thérèse Plummer
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    Can two hurting people find love after a shared tragedy?

    When her photographer fiancé is killed in an act of violence overseas, journalist Caroline James goes home to grieve, regroup, and take a job as editor of a local newspaper—all while dealing with a boatload of guilt. In no way is she ready for her fiancé’s brother to show up almost two years into her new life.

    David Sloan carries his own burden of guilt about the senseless tragedy—and he never intended to contact the woman his brother was engaged to, even if she’d made an indelible impression on him. But when it becomes clear that a project near and dear to his heart would benefit from her involvement, he reaches out and convinces her to assist.

    As these two hurting people work together to create opportunities for deserving students, will they also learn a lesson in the healing power of love?

    Once again, bestselling author Irene Hannon takes readers on an uplifting journey filled with hope, heart, and new beginnings.

    ©2006 Irene Hannon (P)2024 Recorded Books

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