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Couverture de Aliens, Demons or Angels?

Aliens, Demons or Angels?

De : Heather O'Daniel
Lu par : Vanessa Keehn
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    Ever since the former United States president Donald Trump ordered the declassification and public release of the highly classified documents relating to the Unidentified Flying Objects in 2021, the long-kept truth about aliens began to manifest rapidly. There were increasing reports of UFO sightings all around the globe, and not just from those Southern hillbillies either. These were from prominent military generals in the United States Air Force, chief leaders in the Israeli government, and even from Vladimir Putin in Russia!

    There had been hundreds of people from across the globe that had been abducted in recent months. They were all returned with a message from their captors. The message was the same, it was about how Mother Earth was upset with some of her children, those who did not believe like the rest of us. You see, Mother Earth told us what was going to happen to those who didn’t believe.... But I never expected to see what I awoke to in the wee hours of Sunday morning, September 19, 2025.

    ©2021 Heather O'Daniel (P)2021 Heather O'Daniel

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