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Couverture de Aliens Actually: A Nocturne Falls Universe Collection

Aliens Actually: A Nocturne Falls Universe Collection

De : Fiona Roarke
Lu par : B.J. Harrison
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    Pilot. Guard. Prisoner... Stowaway. All are crashed in the Georgia woods, lost on a world where aliens are the stuff of science fiction. And what if the locals are far from human themselves? 

    Close Encounters of the Alien Kind
    Stella Grey’s mission was simple: Locate the downed ship in the Georgia woods. Secure the prisoner. And keep the earthlings from learning that aliens live among them, namely in Alienn, Arkansas. Prisoner Draeken Phoenix is also the dangerously delicious man she left behind on Alpha-Prime to start a new life on Earth. 

    Invasion of the Alien Snatchers
    Riker Phoenix, the guard, has everything but the tantalizing woman who changed the course of his life. Elise Midori ran a galaxy away to escape the man she loved but could never have. But it wasn’t far enough, thanks to a crash in Nocturne Falls and a crazy Druid high priestess intent on claiming him as her own. 

    The Alien Who Fell to Earth
    Pilot Holden Grigori is lost on an alien world, with no memory. A pretty woman claims she’s his wife and loves him. He’d do anything for her. Victoria Greene is sent to find the pilot and keep him safe as he recovers. Pretending to be his wife is not a hardship. Falling in love is even easier. But what happens when he gets his memories back and realizes that to him she one.

    ©2018 Kristen Painter (P)2018 Kristen Painter

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