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Couverture de Alice Atherton's Grand Tour

Alice Atherton's Grand Tour

De : Lesley M. M. Blume
Lu par : Cassandra Campbell
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    The heartwarming story of a young girl sent to live with the extraordinary Murphy Family in southern France.

    Ten-year-old Alice Atherton is sent by her father to spend the summer with his dear friends the Murphys who live with their three children and pet monkey in the French Riveria. There, Alice will meet and learn from some of the most extraordinary luminaries of the time. She visits a junk yard with Pablo Picasso looking for objects to make into art, performs a dance inspired by celestial bodies with the renowned Ballet Russes, and imagines magical adventures with Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

    An uplifting story that will appeal to those who love books by authors like Kate DiCamillo and Jeanne Birdsall.

    ©2023 Lesley M. M. Blume (P)2023 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Sweetly entertaining."—Kirkus Reviews

    "This historical fiction will appeal to readers interested in unschooling or family stories like the Vanderbeekers series."—Booklist

    "Comedic characterizations and standard adventure plotting accompany an amusing premise, idyllic French Riviera ambiance, and introduction to era-specific creatives in this upbeat escapade."—Publishers Weekly

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