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Couverture de Alderauge


De : J.C. Jarvis
Lu par : Hugh Weller-Poley
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    Haunted by the Past, Pursued by the Reich.In the thrilling second instalment of the Fernsby’s War Series, Alderauge catapults listeners into the tumultuous summer of 1939. Michael Fernsby, burdened by the ghosts of his past, plunges back into Nazi Germany with dual objectives: aiding a high-ranking Nazi defector for the British government, and rescuing his family's legacy.

    Treading a treacherous path from Munich's ominous facilities to England's peaceful countryside, Michael navigates dangerous alliances, chilling Nazi secrets, and seeks vengeance against those who wronged him.

    Alderauge deftly interweaves historical realities and fiction into an explosive tale of love, resilience, and sacrifice. Will Michael succeed in his covert mission, or will he be consumed by history's relentless tide?

    Embark on this unforgettable journey with him as the world balances on the edge of World War II. Brace yourself for Alderauge - a testament to the indomitable human spirit amidst the looming shadows of war...

    ©2023 Wherry Road Press LLC (P)2024 Wherry Road Press LLC

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