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  • Alcoholism Cure - How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction and Be Sober For Life (Alcoholism, Alcohol Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcohol Recovery, How to Stop Drinking)

  • De : Stephen Hall
  • Lu par : Amanda Smith
  • Durée : 33 min

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Couverture de Alcoholism Cure - How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction and Be Sober For Life (Alcoholism, Alcohol Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcohol Recovery, How to Stop Drinking)

Alcoholism Cure - How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction and Be Sober For Life (Alcoholism, Alcohol Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcohol Recovery, How to Stop Drinking)

De : Stephen Hall
Lu par : Amanda Smith
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    Proven Secrets on How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction and Be Sober for Life!

    You're about to discover a proven way to overcome alcohol addiction for good and be able to have more self-control and freedom in your life.

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to overcome alcoholism and be free of it for the rest of your life. Additional information on the history of alcohol and alcoholism is also included here.

    While there are details here that may require basic knowledge of medical means of curing alcoholism, the approach presented here is simpler and easier to understand. This book gives a summary of basic medical, psychological, and social ways of dealing with alcoholism and its consequences.

    Here is a preview of the table of contents....

    • A History of Alcohol and Alcohol Addiction
    • Understanding Alcholism
    • Identifying Alcholism
    • Acceptance
    • Ask for Help
    • Committing Yourself to Being Sober
    • Much, much more!

    Download your copy today!

    ©2014 Stephen Hall (P)2015 Stephen Hall

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