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  • Alcohemy

  • The Solution to Ending Your Alcohol Habit for Good - Privately, Discreetly, and Fully in Control
  • De : David Norman
  • Lu par : Tim Budas
  • Durée : 7 h et 25 min

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De : David Norman
Lu par : Tim Budas
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    "It's happened again! What did I do last night? I can't remember. Jeez, I hope I didn't do or say anything to embarrass myself or my wife. Think, man, think! Bloody hell, I hate it when I drink too much and can't remember what's happened. I can't keep doing this to myself...or her. But what the hell do I do? I don't believe I could ever stop drinking completely."

    For many years, this is how David used to wake up in the morning. After a harsh upbringing on a remote Australian cattle property, David turned to alcohol at an early age in an attempt to replace the emptiness he felt and to simply "feel good". After many desperate years of failed attempts to moderate and manage his drinking habit, David reached his tipping point. He was too proud and embarrassed to seek public help, so he used his own analytical skills to search within for the ultimate solution.

    The result is his hugely successful 13-element Alcohemy process, which completely and permanently changed the way he viewed alcohol. This process changes behavior from the inside out and asks the question why any of us drink alcohol at all, as many of us are alcohol dependent without realizing it. Alcohemy takes an in-depth look at the "Why, How, and Belief" factors of alcohol dependency. It prepares you well for an alcohol-free life by systematically examining your upbringing, values, benefits versus consequences, desires versus fears, old versus new actions, and dealing with unhelpful friends.

    ©2014 David Norman (P)2014 David Norman

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