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Alchemy of the Heart

De : Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Lu par : Kirsten Moody
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The sensitive, profound, and rare insights in Alchemy of the Heart help us gain entry into the most precious and misunderstood component of our being: the heart. They show us that while love can be compassionate and nurturing, it can also be powerful, dynamic, and practical, a catalyst for spiritual growth.

Drawing on wisdom from the world’s great spiritual traditions, this inspiring guide explores how you can overcome hidden blocks to giving and receiving more love. You’ll learn how you can soften and strengthen the heart to create more meaningful relationships in all areas of your life.

And you’ll discover how even the most intense lessons of love, if we are willing to learn from them, can be the open door to a higher love and a higher way of loving.

©2000 Church Universal and Triumphant (P)2002, 2009, 2021 Church Universal and Triumphant
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    “There is no way you can read this book and not feel more love for those around you, and as you do, you can see the healing changes that love will bring.” (Magical Blend Magazine)

    “It is critical for personal well-being and the betterment of world relations to open the heart to its highest spiritual potential - that is, divine love. This book explores how we can recapture this experience by nurturing ourselves, cultivating gratitude, overcoming self-criticism, using affirmations and prayers, guarding against toxic thoughts and feelings … Prophet guides us through these processes drawing on her extensive spiritual experience … Through this ‘pocket guide to practical spirituality’ we learn … how we can become ‘a living transformer of love’.” (Bodhi Tree Book Review)

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