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  • Airbnb Mastery and Optimization 2-in-1 Book

  • How to Set Up and Run a Successful Airbnb Business + How to Unleash Your Airbnb's Full Potential - from Beginner Basics to Advanced Rental Techniques
  • De : Frank Eberstadt
  • Lu par : Kevin Wagner
  • Durée : 6 h et 26 min

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Airbnb Mastery and Optimization 2-in-1 Book

De : Frank Eberstadt
Lu par : Kevin Wagner
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    In this complete guide to Airbnb mastery and optimization, you’ll find the foundations you need to get started – and the advanced techniques you need to launch your business to success.

    A simple 6-step framework for building (and launching) an Airbnb listing

    Your guide to the 4 Airbnb types – and how to choose the one that’s right for your property

    5 key factors to consider when assessing your listing’s profitability

    Essential guidance for a first time property manager – including crucial safety tips!

    Foolproof automation tactics to make your management experience a breeze

    The science of an effective Airbnb listing – and the #1 element to focus on for success

    Airbnb insurance demystified

    The secret to making your listing stand out from the competition

    How to use the changing tides of seasonal demand to uplevel your pricing strategies and make sure your property stays in demand

    A clear guide to making informed business decisions and boosting your income

    Inside tricks for optimizing your Airbnb listing and attracting more bookings

    Why your reputation matters… and how to earn those 5* reviews that keep the bookings rolling in

    Advanced automation techniques… so you can spend less time in Admin Land and more time enjoying your success

    ©2024 Frank Eberstadt (P)2024 Frank Eberstadt

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