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Ageism Unmasked

De : Tracey Gendron
Lu par : Lisa Cordileone
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What if everything you thought you knew about aging was wrong?

This bold account of the history and present-day realities of ageism by a nationally recognized gerontologist and speaker uncovers ageism's roots, impact, and how each of us can create a new reality of elderhood.

Ageism Unmasked shifts the lens, enabling us to see that we tolerate, and sometimes actively promote, attitudes and behaviors toward differently aged people that we would reject and condemn if applied to any other group. It peels back the layers to expose how cultural norms and unconscious prejudices have seeped into our lives, silently shaping our treatment of others based on their age and our own misconceptions about aging - and about ourselves.

Offering an all-inclusive approach, Dr. Tracey Gendron reveals the biases behind our false understanding of aging, sharing powerful opportunities for personal growth along with strategies to help create an anti-ageist society.

  • Ageism Unmasked will help listeners let go of our desperate need to stay young...exposing how we personally, systematically, structurally, and institutionally stigmatize being old.
  • Ageism Unmasked will help listeners appreciate both the challenges and opportunities of how we all age...showing how ageism is prejudice toward both younger and older people.
  • Ageism Unmasked will help listeners reset our expectations for getting old...providing the tools to anticipate and experience elderhood as a time of renewed meaning and purpose, empowering each of us to create our own definition of successful aging.

Ageism Unmasked continues Dr. Gendron's transformative work inspiring people of all ages to embrace aging as our universal and lifelong process of developing over time - biologically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually.

©2022 Steerforth (P)2022 Steerforth
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    "While her prose is crisp, declarative, and scholarly, it is also accessible and accented with personality and wit; the inclusion of her own personal reflections about aging add a great amount of relatability and narrative connection. Readers concerned with aging will find Gendron’s discussion on the expectations of getting older, as well as the challenges many face with aging, refreshingly helpful. Also crucial is the author’s optimistic perspective about appreciating and embracing the aging process, which can promote better mental health, opportunities for productivity, personal development, and overall happiness." — Kirkus Reviews

    "...a vivid and thoughtful account of human ageing for the general reader, encompassing the history of ageist biases and describing the undeniable damage they inflict – along with suggestions for uprooting them." — South China Morning Post

    "Ageism Unmasked challenged me to think in new ways about unconscious age bias and the insidious way it shows up (even when unwelcomed) in everyday attitudes and actions. A must-read for policymakers, advertisers, healthcare workers and aging services professionals and anyone grappling with their own age-related issues or those of an older relative or friend, Ageism Unmasked offers insight and guidance on concrete actions individuals and organizations alike can take in their fight against age bias and discrimination." Elizabeth White, author of 55, Underemployed and Faking Normal

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