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Couverture de Against the Clock

Against the Clock

De : Brittany Kelley
Lu par : Greyson Ash, Lee Samuels
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    I'll never date a football player—but all the veteran quarterback wants? Me.


    My life's defined by my long career as a quarterback. I'm determined to have a great season because I'm not sure how many I have left. But when I slam into gorgeous reporter Kelsey Cole on the sidelines, my focus on the game takes a backseat to my fascination with her. She's tiny, smart, fierce, and makes me feel young again. There's only one problem: she hates football—with good reason, too. Still, you don't become a champion quarterback without learning how to fight for what you want.

    Football's always come first, but Kelsey might be the one to change that.


    The last thing I need is to get involved with huge and handsome quarterback Daniel Harrison. Under all those muscles, he's hiding charm and a surprising intellect—an irresistible combination. I can't deny our chemistry, but I can't stand what he does for a living. Not to mention, once the internet starts shipping us, the spotlight becomes unbearable. The fans will hate me even more when they find out I'm writing a piece that could leave the league they love in shambles.

    There's no future for the hot quarterback and me—so why can't I say goodbye?

    Against The Clock is a spicy adult sports football romance with dual POV and a guaranteed HEA.

    ©2023 Brittany Kelley (P)2023 Podium Audio

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