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Couverture de Against Orders

Against Orders

De : Nancy S. Thompson
Lu par : Peter Berkrot
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    Obeying orders will make him their scapegoat. Defying them will make him their enemy.

    Captain Kynan Esprit served six years in the Marines, then four more in the Secret Service. Both ended in disgrace.

    Jobless, his former commander recommends him to weapons manufacturer Whit Lasette, who doesn’t care if Kynan’s moral compass sometimes conflicts with orders from above.

    Whit admires the captain’s uncompromising valor and hires Ky to protect his adult daughter, Reina, while he campaigns for the US presidency.

    Determined not to torpedo another opportunity, Kynan vows to never again disobey orders or get personally involved, but he forsakes both after a kidnapping attempt forces him to hide Reina at her father’s Mediterranean compound.

    But the danger has only just begun. After unearthing documents about a global conspiracy designed to fatten the wallets of certain power players by sabotaging peace overseas, they find themselves on the run, hunted from every angle.

    With millions of lives in the balance, they must find a way to expose the truth…if they can survive against all odds.

    AGAINST ORDERS is an exciting geopolitical conspiracy thriller, a fusion of Matthew Quirk’s Hour of the Assassin and The 500, and Simon Gervais’ The Last Protector, and a reckoning of our recent political climate.

    ©2024 Aethon Books (P)2024 Aethon Audio

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