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Couverture de After Death

After Death

De : Meredith Tucker
Lu par : Shayna Armond
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    Jessica died aged 90. Yet in the 2200s, this isn’t the end. When she enters a digital existence called Second Phase, where she lives on as a sentient being, who can feel the same sensations as though she was in the real world. 

    Jessica has always been passionate about music. With the help of her guide Emily, she discovers a karaoke bar in one of the digital worlds of Second-Phases. She befriends Dave and enters a musical journey which she never got to experience in life. 

    Her family are getting used to seeing her on the digital side. Her children have exciting news in their own life which they share with her when they visit her via a holographic service which allows them to see their dead mother Jessica in the world she now inhabits. 

    After-death is a sci-fi novella about the endless possibilities that a digital existence could bring. Following the life of Jessica, a woman with a passion for music.

    ©2020 Meredith Tucker (P)2021 Meredith Tucker

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