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Couverture de After Anatevka

After Anatevka

De : Alexandra Silber
Lu par : Alexandra Silber, Sheldon Harnick
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    The world knows well the tale of Tevye, the beloved Jewish dairyman from the shtetl Anatevka of Tsarist Russia. In stories originally written by Sholem Aleichem and then made world-famous in the celebrated musical Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye, his wife Golde, and their five daughters dealt with the outside influences that were encroaching upon their humble lives. But what happened to those remarkable characters after the curtain fell? 

    In After Anatevka, Alexandra Silber picks up where Fiddler left off. Second-eldest daughter Hodel takes center stage as she attempts to join her socialist-leaning fiancé Perchik at the outer reaches of a Siberian work camp. But before Hodel and Perchik can finally be together, they both face extraordinary hurdles and adversaries - both personal and political - attempting to keep them apart at all costs. A love story set against a backdrop of some of the greatest violence in European history, After Anatevaka is a stunning conclusion to a tale that has gripped audiences around the globe for decades. 

    BONUS CONTENT: Following the conclusion of the novel, listen to After Anatevka: Live, recorded at the Minetta Lane Theatre in NYC in August 2018. The event features excerpts from the novel, as well as music written by a collection of Broadway composer and lyricist teams. For more information, visit

    ©2018 Alexandra Silber (P)2018 AO Media, LLC.


    “This phenomenal story carries the light tone of the earlier musical and the vacillating light and dark moods of Russian literature, all sensitively balanced with perfect timing. A gorgeous, captivating story that truly deserves the name of great historical fiction. Alexandra Silber is notably knowledgeable about her topic, but most of all inserts the ‘Russian soul’ into it that earns it the hallmark of being called classic literature. Extraordinary!” (Historical Novels Review [Editor's Choice])

    “A fully realized, thoughtful literary novel. Fans of [Fiddler on the Roof] and anyone interested in the plight of the Jews in czarist Russia will appreciate this multitalented author’s work.” (Booklist)

    “It's no secret that Alexandra Silber is one of our theater’s finest singing actors. But who knew she was a thrilling novelist as well? After Anatevka does Fiddler on the Roof proud.” (Tony Award-winning playwright Terrence McNally)

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