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Couverture de Affirmations for Tween and Teen Girls

Affirmations for Tween and Teen Girls

De : Kelli Parmenter
Lu par : Rebekah Amber Clark
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    Transform your daughter or granddaughter's life with the powerful tool of positive affirmations. Boost their self-confidence, self-esteem, and help them thrive in the challenging world of tweens and teens.


    • Empower your child with the ability to combat self-doubt and societal pressures.
    • Instill a strong sense of self-worth and self-love with uplifting affirmations.
    • Transform their mindset and lay the foundation for a successful future.

    What's Inside:

    • Introduction to positive affirmations, teaching the impact of thoughts.
    • Practical tips on incorporating affirmations into daily routine for maximum impact.
    • Ten categories of affirmations to choose from, including self-love, confidence, and resilience.
    • A total of 165 Positive Affirmations covering a wide range of topics.
    • Space on each page to personalize and track their journey with affirmations.

    Don't miss out on this must-have resource for parents, grandparents, teachers, and mentors of tween and teen girls. Invest in their future and download this audiobook. Your daughter or granddaughter will thank you for this life-changing book.

    ©2024 Kelli Parmenter (P)2024 Kelli Parmenter

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