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  • Aeroponics

  • The Easy Beginner's Guide to Growing Your Own Aeroponic Vegetable, Fruit, and Herb Garden at Home
  • De : Fred Seeds
  • Lu par : Camden Mazzone
  • Durée : 3 h et 16 min

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De : Fred Seeds
Lu par : Camden Mazzone
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    You are about to learn how to build a beautiful, scenic garden that can easily increase your yield up to tenfold using the same space as your current farm occupies without using any medium, simply by leveraging the power of aeroponics!

    Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover in this audiobook:

    • The basics of aeroponics, including what it is, what it entails, and how it works
    • Reasons why it is a better approach than anything you’ve ever tried before
    • The basis of aeroponics farming, including the science behind it and how plants get nutrients in this system
    • The operation cycle in an aeroponics farm
    • The process of plant growth in the system
    • Ways to plan your garden
    • Steps to construct your own aeroponics system
    • Methods to light up the system
    • Ways to prevent pest attack
    • Cloning with hydroponics
    • Potential problems and how to deal with them
    • And much, much more!

    If you have a strong desire to boost your farming practice with the latest technology and achieve all that we’ve mentioned, scroll up and click on the "buy now" button to get the audiobook today.

    ©2020 Fred Seeds (P)2020 Fred Seeds

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