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Our world can be very challenging every day. Anabelle and her friends approach these challenges face to face. They teach us how to recognize the power that each individual holds to enact positive change. Anabelle and her friends are on a mission to help others. They let us know that we can make a difference. Passion is a powerful tool. Anabelle and her friends use this passion to help others around them. They carve a path for others and help them fight for a cause. Anabelle and her friends use teamwork to change the world. They know that even small things can make a difference. We are all similar, embarking on a unique journey to discover where we truly belong. Anabelle and her friends believe everyone can find their special place in the world, where one can create meaningful change with positivity and hope. You have the power to change lives and the world around you. We all want to make this world better than we found it.

©2023 Dr. Jonas Rockhold (P)2023 Dr. Jonas Rockhold
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