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Couverture de Adventures of Mary Jane

Adventures of Mary Jane

De : Hope Jahren
Lu par : Elizabeth Robbins
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    In this brand new reimagining, Mary Jane—the red-headed spark from Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, who stole Huck's heart in just 30 pages—comes to life with her own story of adventuring down the Mississippi River in the 1840s.

    Meet Mary Jane Guild—she’s on a dangerous and unpredictable adventure down the Mississippi River—and she’ll steal Huck Finn’s heart along the way.

    In his classic work Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain briefly introduces "Mary Jane, the red-headed one." In no time Mary Jane becomes the girl Huck thinks about "a many and a many million times." Now author Hope Jahren has created for Mary Jane a life as vivid and compelling as Huck's.

    This book will show you the real Mary Jane. A girl on her own dangerous, unpredictable journey down the Mississippi River in pre-Civil War America. Equipped with an uncanny ability for mathematics, a talent for sewing, and a bale of beaver skins, Mary Jane navigates deadly illnesses, angry mobs, treacherous landowners, outright thieves and swindlers, and more than a thousand miles of muddy water. What’s more, she thrives in the face of these challenges, thanks to support from strangers who become friends. Traveling solo requires Mary Jane to grow up fast, but it ultimately leads her to a new resilience, a love of adventure, deep and enduring sisterhood, and a blue-eyed, ponytailed boy she can’t stop thinking about.

    Jahren offers a wealth of layered characters and deeply researched, authentic details of changing times in the North and South. Using the language and style of Twain and shifting the point of view to a smart and determined young woman, she explores timeless themes of duty, family, romance, and betrayal, with grit and courage at the core.

    * This audiobook edition includes a downloadable PDF containing a map of the Mississippi River Valley ca. 1846, a family tree, and suggested reading.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Hope Jahren (P)2024 Listening Library


    ★ "Jahren has done a heroic amount of research but most of all has told a cracking good story. This book soars: Huck Finn has met his match in a wildly appealing, smart, and courageous girl."—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

    ★ "Beautifully written and rich in fully realized, memorable characters and incident, the book is a treasure. Its surprising but satisfying ending gives Huckleberry Finn a run for its money."—Booklist, starred review

    ★ "A rollicking adventure full of rich characterizations that will be ­enjoyed by junior high and high school readers."—School Library Journal, starred review

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