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  • Advanced Guide to Bladesmithing

  • Forge Pattern Welded Damascus Swords, Japanese Blades, and Make Sword Scabbards
  • De : Wes Sander
  • Lu par : Ted Ryan
  • Durée : 3 h et 13 min

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Advanced Guide to Bladesmithing

De : Wes Sander
Lu par : Ted Ryan
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    If you want to forge Damascus swords and Japanese blades, without going through the pain of breaking them during heat treatment, then keep reading....

    Do you crave the challenge of making the "perfect knife"?

    Does your pride in your bladesmithing skills motivate you to take them to the next level?

    Are you constantly inspired by popular bladesmithing TV shows, and want to improve and compare to the master bladesmiths present on them?

    My name is Wes Sander, and like you, I too strive to better my bladesmithing craft and take it to the next level. 

    Throughout my journey, I have learned several advanced techniques and discovered some powerful secrets that have helped me forge better knives. 

    I will share them in this audiobook.

    You will discover:

    • The 10 step method to forging a pattern welded Damascus sword
    • 4 techniques that will "reveal" the end grain texture of your Damascus blade
    • How to make mosaic Damascus patterns in your sword using the "spiderwebs" technique
    • How to forge, assemble, heat treat, and polish a Japanese sword
    • The secret temperature to correctly temper your Japanese blade
    • How to make your first sword scabbard
    • The #1 solution you should use while acid etching your knife

    The number of ideas you can realize for your creations is directly related to your understanding of various bladesmithing techniques and the characteristics of different materials.

    Every day that you delay is another day that you stagnate in your growth as a bladesmith.

    Take action and buy this audiobook now!

    ©2019 Wes Sander (P)2019 Wes Sander

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