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Couverture de Adam Canfield the Last Reporter

Adam Canfield the Last Reporter

De : Michael Winerip
Lu par : Patrick Lawlor
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    A "dirty" school election, suspicious state test scores - Adam Canfield and his star reporters are chasing some red-hot leads. There's only one glitch: the school board has shut down The Slash for exposing the town's most powerful family, and now the staff has to find a way to publish it themselves.

    Enter the Ameche brothers: two goofy kid entrepreneurs with a knack for refurbishing junk - and a talent for selling ads - but a shaky command of journalistic ethics. What's worse, Adam hasn't a clue why his co-editor, Jennifer, is suddenly acting weird.

    With kid-friendly humor and a touch of budding romance, this new adventure revisits a winning cast of characters - and the excitement that comes from uncovering a really great story.

    ©2009 Michael Winerip (P)2009 Brilliance Audio, Inc.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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