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Couverture de Across the Ice and into the Jungle

Across the Ice and into the Jungle

De : Samantha-Ellen Bound
Lu par : Georgia Maguire
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    One year ago, Celeste Barden went on the adventure of a lifetime. Now, the next one is about to begin.

    Rebellion is brewing in the Realms, and Ferd is on a mission to discover who is behind it all. So when Wherewithal receives word of an attack in the Realm of Jungle, Celeste finally has her chance for another adventure. But when they go to investigate, the portal plummets them not into a tropical jungle but a freezing lake. Somehow, they've ended up in the treacherous Realm of Ice.

    Worse still, another hagstone is under threat. The group is determined to find the hagstone before the enemy can, and Celeste is determined to prove that her past heroics were more than a one-off. But when a souvenir from her last adventure threatens the rescue mission, Celeste is left wondering if this time, she might be the reason they fail.

    Return to the Realms of Seven Wherewithal Way in this magical and action-packed second instalment in Samantha-Ellen Bound's epic portal fantasy series.

    ©2022 Samantha-Ellen Bound (P)2024 W. F. Howes ltd.

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