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About Man and God and Law

De : Stephen Daniel Arnoff
Lu par : Jim Denison
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    About Man and God and Law is the story of how Bob Dylan sparked a revolution of the spirit and why it matters today.

    Many of our assumptions about empathy, sensual pleasure, and the essence of work, community, country, race, and the divine have germinated in Bob Dylan's need to know what's blowing in the wind and how it feels. Tracing his work and vision through themes that have shaped religious and cultural history for millennia, Stephen Daniel Arnoff uncovers how Bob Dylan has re-enchanted ancient questions of meaning and purpose throughout popular culture, inspiring a pantheon of prophetic musicians along the way. This field guide to Dylan's spiritual wisdom aims to make good on the promise that if we look closely enough at his body of work—precisely at a moment when the world we thought we knew seems like uncharted territory—we can open up our eyes to see not only where we really are, but where we need to go.

    ©2022 Stephen Daniel Arnoff (P)2024 Tantor

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