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De : John Wang, Grace Wang
Lu par : Mark Ashby
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    A worldwide leader in financial trading software shares one of its most successful systems

    In AbleTrend, Dr. John Wang discloses, for the first time, the fundamental principles behind his best-selling and award-winning trading system, AbleTrend signals. Sophisticated in scope, yet written in a way that any trader can understand, this book skillfully presents the theory behind this award-winning system. 

    This reliable resource presents the logic of a proven system that reveals the direction of a trend at its early stage in all markets - stocks, commodities, foreign currencies, ETFs, e-Minis, and mutual funds. It also identifies objective, automatic buy/sell/stop signals, helping you manage risk, make rational trading decisions, and eliminate the guesswork.  

    • Pinpoint when market trends start and end, and where the key support and resistance are
    • It's universal - applied to any market and any time chart
    • Applications are offered with over 20 real-market case studies
    • AbleTrend confidential seminar costs $2,000; now you may get the secrets from this book
    • AbleTrend was developed by a recognized authority and expert trading system developer

    AbleTrend presents innovative decision-making trading concepts that will allow ordinary traders to identify market trends and seek profits from them. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©2010 John Wang and Grace Wang (P)2012 Audible, Inc.

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