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  • AI for Educators

  • Education Personalized with Artificial Intelligence: Tailoring Lessons to Each Learner's Journey
  • De : P. Joshua
  • Lu par : KC Wayman
  • Durée : 4 h et 27 min

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AI for Educators

De : P. Joshua
Lu par : KC Wayman
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    Welcome to "AI for Educators: Personalizing Education with Artificial Intelligence," your comprehensive guide to harnessing AI in the classroom. This audiobook equips educators at all tech levels with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively integrate AI, enhancing teaching and personalizing learning experiences for every student. Dive into practical strategies, understand ethical considerations, and explore the transformative possibility of AI in education.

    Whether you're a tech novice or a proficient user, this guide simplifies the complexities of AI, making its integration into your teaching practices manageable and beneficial. You'll discover how AI can support tailored learning paths, enabling interactive experiences that cater to individual student needs. This technology not only augments your teaching capabilities but also frees up time to focus more on developing students' critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

    The audiobook addresses common concerns such as data privacy and the digital divide, providing practical solutions to ensure your journey into AI integration is both secure and inclusive. It includes a step-by-step guide to using AI tools, examples of AI in action, lists of affordable resources, and strategies to address resistance within educational communities. Additionally, it offers methods to measure the impact of AI on learning outcomes and insights into the future of education with AI."AI for Educators: Personalizing Education with Artificial Intelligence" offers a straightforward, practical approach to adopting the latest technology in education. Ready to transform your teaching and enhance learning with AI? Embrace the future of education now by clicking "Add to Cart"!

    ©2024 P. Joshua (P)2024 P. Joshua

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