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  • ABI: Wife of Alma the Younger

  • Untold Stories of Women in the Book of Mormon
  • De : Corie Hawks
  • Lu par : Corie Hawks
  • Durée : 7 h et 48 min

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Couverture de ABI: Wife of Alma the Younger

ABI: Wife of Alma the Younger

De : Corie Hawks
Lu par : Corie Hawks
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    Beside every beloved prophet, there is a strong, incredible woman that works and sacrifices alongside her husband. Meet Abi, the brilliant, capable wife of Alma the Younger, and experience the events of the Book of Mormon through her unique lens as a wife and mother.

    From Korihor’s trial to the war with Amlici, “ABI” allows you to see and feel your favorite stories of the scriptures through the eyes of the families and heroines you never knew. While other authors have written the stories of women mentioned in the scriptures, this new novel tells the untold stories of women who lived, loved, struggled, and testified, all without ever being named.

    Alma the Younger and his sons are well documented in the scriptures. It’s time to fill in the gaps and hear the story of his wife, his daughters, and the untold story of his family’s journey to find faith.

    ©2023 Corie Hawks (P)2024 Corie Hawks

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