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ABCs of Astrology

De : DeAriesha Mack
Lu par : DeAriesha Mack
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    Wish you had an easy to follow, in-depth guide to learning astrology? 

    Astrology has been around since Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian times. It has always given humanity the power to understand the world and our universe at such vast depths. This gem-filled collection brings together the building blocks to begin your walk to chart interpretation. These foundations allow you to connect to the conscious and the unconscious truth of how you think, feel, and act. Astrology brings fresh objective perspectives on our one-on-one relationships and life events. Like every field of expertise, the concepts behind astrology and its body of knowledge require earnest studying. It is important that that is broken down is a way that is easy to learn. You have what it takes to be a seasoned astrologer! With practice, study, and the guidance of this beautiful book, your journey begins here. 

    Get a firm grasp and more profound knowledge on astrology with DeAriesha Mack’s ABCs of Astrology for beginners! Whether you’re just starting or are a seasoned scholar in the subject, this book will equip you with the essential knowledge you needed to become your own astrologer. Supercharge your life today with this timeless skill and use the stars' movement to guide you towards success, fulfilment, and soul evolution. 

    Let DeAriesha Mack, also known as AstroDeeStars, guide you in learning how to harness the stars' boundless power. Upon discovering the vital cogs of astrology, use your newfound knowledge to branch out, explore and appreciate other sects of the study. This book is your new manual towards true empowerment and improving your outlook of the world. Learn the ways on how you can establish independence and learn to trust your instincts letting the stars verify those gut feelings.

    In this book, you’ll encounter 

    • A run-down of astrology history, influence, and how it applies to our modern day.
    • A simple explanation of how chart interpretation works and how to use the circular wheel 
    • A breakdown of the 12 zodiac signs along with their ascendant sign physical descriptions
    • How to apply astrology to your day-to-day life
    • A sample birth chart analysis of singer Whitney Houston examining how the stars align between her life and death
    • The basics on the 12 houses, angles, and aspects

    Let your knowledge in astrology empower you to walk with confidence and ease. Add ABCs of Astrology for beginners to your cart today! 

    ©2021 DeAriesha Mack (P)2021 DeAriesha Mack

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