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  • AARP: The Other Talk

  • A Guide to Talking with Your Adult Children About the Rest of Your Life
  • De : Tim Prosch
  • Lu par : Marlin May
  • Durée : 5 h et 6 min

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AARP: The Other Talk

De : Tim Prosch
Lu par : Marlin May
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    A one-of-a-kind practical guide to making the tough decisions parents and their adult children inevitably face.

    It was a rite of passage for you to have the talk with your kids about the beginning of life (as in the birds and the bees). As you get older, you need to have the other talk - about the later years of life. And you need to have it now, not after a crisis hits.

    The Other Talk helps you take control of your life so when the time comes, your kids can make decisions based on what you want. This groundbreaking guide provides the practical advice and inspiration you need to have open, honest discussions about subjects that can be difficult to talk about.

    Unlike other books that help adult children who are suddenly thrust into a decision-making role, The Other Talk gives you the tools to develop a strong partnership with your kids to plan for the rest of your life.

    Who will manage your finances, and how will you budget for unknown needs?

    Where can your children find important documents they will need to help?

    Where will you live if you need assistance?

    What type of medical treatments do you want - and not want - and who will advocate for your needs?

    The Other Talk helps you address and answer these and other questions in a calm, measured way - freeing you up to enjoy your life and your family.

    ©2019 McGraw-Hill Education (P)2013 McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio



    Silver Living Now Book Award 

    Silver National Mature Media Award 

    APEX Award 

    Washington Post Book of the Month 

    Wealth and Money Management Award 

    Bronze Independent Publisher Book Award 

    Foreword INDIEFAB Book of the Year Honorable Mention

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