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  • A Winter's Wish for the Cornish Midwife

  • The Cornish Midwife, Book 3
  • De : Jo Bartlett
  • Lu par : Emma Powell
  • Durée : 8 h et 30 min

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A Winter's Wish for the Cornish Midwife

De : Jo Bartlett
Lu par : Emma Powell
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    Brand-new from the top 10 best-selling author of The Cornish Midwife. Perfect for fans of Call the Midwife.

    A secret love....

    As winter descends on the coastal town of Port Agnes, midwife Toni Samuels’ mood is as dark as the winter clouds that roll in. Toni loves her job as a midwife, but her private life is falling apart. Because Toni is keeping a secret - a relationship with fellow male midwife Bobby that no one can ever know about.

    A damaged hope....

    Kind and gorgeous, Bobby is a huge hit at the midwifery centre, but he’s tired of keeping his feelings for Toni a secret - of always coming second best. He knows that Toni’s past is painful, but unless she can be open with her feelings for him, he’s prepared to walk away from their love.

    Can love find a way?

    Toni loves Bobby and wishes things could be different between them. But torn between her past and a future with him, everything seems hopeless. Until fate hands Toni one last chance....

    Now Toni’s secret wish is in her hands...if only she can be brave enough to take a chance and make her dreams come true.

    An uplifting and escapist listen, perfect for fans of Christie Barlow, Jessica Redland and Holly Martin!

    ©2021 Jo Bartlett (P)2021 Boldwood Books

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