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Couverture de A Werewolf's Guide to Seducing a Vampire

A Werewolf's Guide to Seducing a Vampire

De : Sarah Hawley
Lu par : Helen Laser
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    Ben Rosewood never meant to be bound to a vampire succubus, especially one as sexy-yet-terrifying as Eleonore Bettencourt-Devereux, but he has to admit there are some fang-tastic perks….

    Werewolf Ben Rosewood is happy with his life. One hundred percent. Everything is fine. His business, Ben’s Plant Emporium, is thriving, and he’s even expanding the shop. His anxiety disorder is…well, it’s been better, but that comes with the territory of running a business and having beastly urges every full moon, right? As for romance—who has the time? Though his family is desperate to see him settled, Ben is fine approaching forty as a single werewolf. But after drunkenly bidding on and winning a supposedly-possessed crystal on eBay one night, he finds himself face-to-face with a beautiful yet angry vampire.

    Eleonore Bettencourt-Devereux is a rare breed—a vampire succubus born from two elite European bloodlines during medieval times. Thanks to an evil witch, she’s been stuck in a crystal since she was thirty, forced to obey orders from the possessor of the rock. Eleonore's been dreaming of breaking the spell and severing the witch’s head for centuries. But did this witch really sell her to someone new, and for only ninety-nine cents?

    Eleonore would claw this werewolf’s heart out and eat it, if only the binding spell would allow her to. But Eleonore and Ben soon realize they can help each other with both vengeful and less hostile needs. And why not have a little fun along the way?

    ©2024 Sarah Hawley (P)2024 Penguin Audio


    "Sarah Hawley's books are a perfect combination of whimsy, heart, and delightfully madcap humor—and the Glimmer Falls series is escapism at its very finest. I never want it to end!"—Jenna Levine, USA Today bestselling author of My Roomate Is a Vampire

    "A Werewolf’s Guide to Seducing a Vampire showcases Hawley’s trademark zany humor and sparkling storytelling, where a quest for epic revenge can instead launch a gentle romance between a bloodthirsty assassin and an anxious werewolf. A romp filled with magical duels and life-threatening levels of sexual tension."—Katie Shepard, author of Sweeten the Deal

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