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Couverture de A Wealthy Girl

A Wealthy Girl

De : Charisse Conanan Johnson
Lu par : Charisse Conanan Johnson
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    There is nothing as powerful as a “girl” with a mind for money-making coupled with a purpose that lives way beyond the money. Through A Wealthy Girl, you will learn that you don’t have to be male, rich, old, or white, to be wealthy.  

    Wealth expert and chartered financial analyst Charisse Conanan Johnson brings her multifaceted experience as an investor, entrepreneur, and strategy consultant over the last 20 years to women.

    This book is not your ordinary wealth-building book. Your wealth is beyond what sits in your bank account - it embodies your relationships, your craft, and your faith. Through the in-depth pages of A Wealthy Girl, you will be shaped by a new wealth conversation, rooted in both the tangible and intangible aspects of wealth, told through the lens of Charisse’s inspiring life journey and the stories of other powerful women.

    Charisse will give you the seven key steps to live a wealthy life, from developing an investor mindset to building a faith muscle, to running wealthy experiments. Through it all, Charisse shares openly about her wealth-building journey with a common-sense approach, grit, and dozens of great tips to implement immediately.

    ©2021 Charisse Conanan Johnson (P)2021 Charisse Conanan Johnson

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