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Couverture de A Voice from the Pews

A Voice from the Pews

De : Ershwyn Thibou
Lu par : Arin Hoekstra
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    Just because you are a regular guy or gal who sits in the pews, it does not mean that you are unable to use your God given capacity to think on important matters in our world. This book shows that with the guidance of scripture, a willingness to take the time necessary to go deeper than the surface, and using one's God given capacity to think, Joe or Jane Church Goer can find answers to tough questions and contend for the faith.

    The book is an easy listen. It is written in a simple, easy flowing, yet thoughtful, interesting, and effective style, dealing with the topics it covers. It covers an eclectic mix of subjects that at some point crosses the minds of many. it touches on faith and science, right and wrong, suffering, thankfulness, the compassion of Jesus and an array of other issues. A Voice from the Pews demonstrates that the ordinary believer can ponder the issues, reason, and come to smart conclusions on many of the questions that we all face at some time or the other in our lives. Many believers find themselves challenged at some point, dealing with the tough questions that sometimes fog their minds. They feel overwhelmed, inadequate to deal with these matters because they seem to be too heavy. Church leaders are often very busy and they do not always have time to answer some of the questions the average church goer has. The book does not pretend to be what it is not. It is not a deep dive into any particular topic, but some thoughts to stir people's minds and perhaps encourage them to dig deeper on the issues. The hope is that others sitting in the pews could be inspired by a fellow pew member who has a deep passion to learn more of the things of God. It is meant to show that with a little self application, a desire to go beyond the surface, and a commitment to learn, anyone sitting in the pews can find a voice that adds value to the conversation.

    ©2022 E. M. Thibou (P)2023 EMT Publishing

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