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  • A Voice Becoming

  • A Yearlong Mother-Daughter Journey into Passionate, Purposed Living
  • De : Beth Bruno
  • Lu par : Beth Bruno
  • Durée : 5 h et 54 min

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A Voice Becoming

De : Beth Bruno
Lu par : Beth Bruno
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    In A Voice Becoming, Beth Bruno helps mothers cast a Godly vision for their daughters and chart a course that will prepare their daughters for womanhood.

    What if you as a mother concentrated on your daughter for one year? Who might she become? A Voice Becoming is for moms who want to usher their daughters into womanhood but know they need more than tips, techniques, and programs. This is for moms who to desire to chart a course for their daughters that helps them know the story of God they are entering and the global sisterhood of women they are joining.

    A Voice Becoming is written by a fellow sojourner, still in the middle of the journey, processing her own story as she casts a vision for her daughter to discover hers. Sometimes road maps are too restrictive and a friend is needed who has made the journey already. Beth Bruno seeks to activate moms by infusing them with hope and vision. Listeners will join Beth in a yearlong journey of teaching their daughters that women lead, women love, women fight, women sacrifice, and women create. Moms learn how to use film and books, tangible experiences, volunteering, interviewing other women, traveling, and more in a creative and life-altering way to help solidify these important concepts in the mind and life of their young teen.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

    ©2018 Beth Bruno (P)2018 Hachette Audio

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